Therapist Blog

Setting an Intention for the New Year

When we roll into the New Year we often think about making a resolution, however they typically last 6 weeks and don't always come from the healthiest mindset. Where as setting an intention  will help you create more clarity in your life, especially when the seed is planted right before you start your daily routine.

You may now be asking the difference between a resolution and intention. A resolution is typically done forcefully, the purpose of the intention is to have you come by it naturally.

The wording of an intention is different too. Some examples of intentions to set are:

  • I intend to manifest happiness naturally.
  • I intend to respond first, and then react.
  • I intend to witness Divinity in everyone.
  • I intend to lead by example.
  • I intend to be open to success and abundance.
  • I intend to stop taking things personally.
  • I intend to forgive others, and myself.
  • I intend to love unconditionally.
  • I intend to make meditation a more important part of my lifestyle.
  • I intend to make someone smile every day.

Its time to think about where you should fit your intention into your day, So, what if you tried fitting an intention in this routine as the first thing you do upon waking?

In addition its valuable to embody your intention.

So when you open your eyes, ask yourself: “How do I want to feel?”

Is it to feel... loved? Wholesome? Nurtured? Like a Superhero?

Then invite that in your life though your own actions verbally or physically. Make sure to keep it positive and allow for it to evolve over time.

Using an intention every day is life-changing, because you have an amazing tool to use for the rest of your life. Even if you slip up or feel the struggle, you’ll always have something to fall back on.